Mercury - Year 4/5 2023 - 2024

Mr Kellington

Welcome to Mercury Class!

Year 4/5

Hello! My name is Mr Kellington. I am the Deputy Headteacher at Salesbury CE Primary School and Class Teacher of Mercury, a Year 4/5 Class. I have taught at four primary schools over the last 25 years and been here at Salesbury for about 15 years. I love helping to lead the school, along with Mrs Berryman and the Senior Leadership Team, and helping children fulfil their potential, as a teacher.

I enjoy working with the staff to offer the children memorable learning experiences in Year 4 and 5, to prepare the pupils for the future!

We have a number of adults who support our learning:

Mr Kellington is the Class Teacher.

Mrs Bowen teaches the children for two half days each week.

Mrs Wilding and Mrs Melling work as Teaching Assistants in supporting the children.

If you would like to contact me, please don't hesitate to call school or email me at

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