Late/Absence Procedures

We believe that primary school is a great place to foster strong lifelong habits.  Attending school regularly and punctually will undoubtedly contribute to good habits, ensure lifelong skills and ensure that children have every opportunity to be the best they can be.

Our school day is maximised so that children use every moment to develop.  Missing small chunks can add up to make a big difference.   We ask that parents ensure the child(ren) in their care attend school regularly and punctually.  If children are to be late, please bring them to school as soon as you can possibly can so they can resume learning and minimise disruption.  Children who arrive late do need signing in at the school office so we can ensure a safe handover.

If children are absent, please inform the school office  on the first day of absence and provide a reason for the absence.  There is a message facility on the school answerphone.

 If children are absent for more than one day, please inform the school office of the continued absence and update as to the reason for the absence regularly