Salesbury Church of England Primary School believes that creative, engaging, rigorous and high-quality learning in history inspires children to want to know more about the past; to think and act as historians and to develop a natural curiosity for the legacies of our forefathers.
By linking learning to a range of contexts, children have opportunities to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology, build an overview of Britain’s past as well as that of the wider world, and to be able to communicate historically, working both independently and collaboratively.
· Children delving deeper into history and sources, asking detailed and sometimes challenging questions to unpick history.
· Children enjoying learning about the past and its influence on our lives today.
Children’s curiosity in history will be ignited through a curriculum hook which raises questions and observations
Children will develop a strong sense of enquiry within daily lives - how did this become to be here? How has this developed and changed over time?
· Teachers will produce a Knowledge Organiser which outlines the key knowledge and tier three vocabulary all children must master;
· A cycle of lessons will be designed which carefully plans for progression and depth and meets the needs of the cohort;
· Quizzes and games are used to support learners’ ability to block and retain learning and increase space in the working memory;
· Challenge questions are designed so pupils can apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner;
· Visits and visiting experts will be selected to enhance the learning experience;
Children will engage in a range of rich historical sources including primary and secondary sources.
· A clear outcome to celebrate the learning which has taken place will be planned
Children will develop increasing confidence in our three main historical skills of Interpretation, Chronology and Enquiry
Non Negotiables
· Blooms Taxonomy hierarchy
· Children understanding the chronology of events (when what they are learning fits in)
· Children will be presented with a variety of sources both primary and secondary
· Children will question the integrity and reliability of sources
· Children will use tier 3 vocabulary
· Children will ask enquiry questions about the sources to interpret them
· Timelines will be used
· Theme Day-one period studied in depth
· Visits and visitors will be utilized
· Opportunities to present work in a way the child chooses
· Knowledge organisers for each topic
Our history curriculum is of a high quality and capitalises on the history available in our local area. It ensures that children have a strong knowledge of historical events, with an increasingly coherent understanding of chronology and an appreciation of the impact that history has on the modern world recognising the thoughts, ideas and challenges of the people before us and developing an appreciation of their contribution. We hope our children develop a genuine love of learning about history by gaining knowledge and skills, not just through learning in the classroom, but also through educational visits and visitors. They can share their understanding with others through confidence, subject specific oracy and tier two and three vocabulary building on their learning over time.
Through the breadth and depth that our curriculum offers, our children are inspired to become passionate and inquisitive historians with a true sense of how to think and act as an historian. They will take less of the world they inherited for granted and wonder about the shape of things in the past. They are inspired by the subject, are curious to find out more about the past and have a strong desire to continue their learning in history.
If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
· A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes;
· A celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates progression across the school;
· Video discussions using the same stimulus at the start and end of teaching
· Pupil discussions about their learning;
· Scrutiny of children’s learning
· Children’s love of history